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New lab paper - A framework for understanding adverse adolescent experiences

A framework for understanding adverse adolescent experiences

The Adverse Adolescent Experiences (AAEs) framework. The AEEs framework is based on Bronfenbrenner (1979). Figure created for Pollmann et al. (2025).

In our recent opinion piece, published in Nature Human Behaviour, we introduce a framework for understanding adverse experiences in adolescence.

Adolescence (ages 10–24) is characterized by cognitive, behavioural and social development. Childhood environments are typically centred on home and care settings, whereas adolescents increasingly engage with peer and community environments. These changing environments confer risks of experiencing specific adversities at different ages. Despite the unique characteristics of adversities in adolescence and potential associations with lifespan outcomes, few frameworks exist to systematize adversities in adolescents. Here we review current research and propose an approach specific to this developmental period: the adverse adolescent experiences (AAEs) framework. Building on existing models (for example, the adverse childhood experiences framework), the AAEs focus on potentially traumatizing experiences during adolescence. The framework builds onBronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory to conceptualize adversities at intrapersonal, interpersonal, community and societal levels. We argue that this approach can enhance our understanding of adolescent adversity, facilitate the study of its potential effects, and guide prevention and intervention efforts.

Find out more:
Pollmann, A., Bates, K. E.+, & Fuhrmann, D.+ (2025). A framework for understanding adverse adolescent experiences. Nature Human Behaviour. doi: 10.1038/s41562-024-02098-x.